I work in the fashion industry, but have virtually no enthusiasm whatsoever when it comes to men's fashion. In addition to the obvious fact that there's far less room for creativity with men's apparel, I think the main reason is that my 'type' of men are no-fuss, gritty manly-men who keep it clean and simple. Take my boyfriend for example, he's a jeans and t-shirt guy. He shies away from anything even slightly embellished, he prefers single-breasted- and definitely forget excessive pockets. However, his style is one of my favorite man-styles ever-and it isn't as straightforward and plain as you might think.
I love his style because he couldn't care less about what anyone else thinks. He's got no qualms about wearing women's sunglasses (in fact I think he prefers them), he's always hiding various extra-long necklaces (rosaries, beads, chains, etc) underneath his shirts, he'll put a scarf on with just about anything-even wearing MINE around the apartment-fringe, studs and all (and I'm guessing he'd wear it in public too), and lastly, he's been known to wear slippers out of the house. Oh, and how could I forget, his collection of bracelets and rings rivals my own. And he 100% rocks it-all of it. The lesson in all of this- I suppose it's 'own it and you can pull off virtually anything'.
P.S. It might be worth noting that I thought he owned his style long before I loved him as well...Now if only he'd quit busting on the 'un-sexiness' of my plaid shirt.
Note the plastic rosary beads-->